“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply”
Partnering with us in reaching the lost, the broken, the fatherless, and the hurting, is how you can be a part of rescuing and touching so many lives. Supporting this ministry as we train pastors, leaders, and disciple a new generation of Christ followers, is how we will reach the entire nation of Mexico and plant churches and missions all across the globe.

Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can donate. Your donation is tax deductible. If you are giving by check, you can mail your donation to:
Arbol de Vida
531 South Academy Avenue
New Braunfels TX 78130
Casa Arbol
Casa Arbol exists to provide orphaned and vulnerable children a loving home environment designed to meet each child’s spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual needs so that they have the best opportunity to overcome their life circumstances and break free from the generational cycles of abuse, poverty, neglect, and violence.
Financial Partner
One time donation or monthly
We rely on your financial support to do what God has called us to do in reaching Central Mexico for Christ. The seed you sow goes to support our church plant, our ministry training center, orphanage, our colonia outreach ministries, and our social service projects and programs in some of the most impoverished areas of the city. Give a one time donation or sign up to be a monthly partner.